We went to some dinner Saturday after noon and I ask for a veggie omelet. And one of the two teenage chubby girls who were working there said No you can’t have an omelet.
I said why and she replied I don’t know who to make one. Holly shit how do you work at a restaurant with omelets on the menu and not know how to make one. Then again how can you fat and not know how to make one. So I said let me make it, and she said go ahead. So I went behind the grill and made my own omelet. Oh ya eggs veggies and milk, whisk them together put on grill. For all you humps who don’t know how to make one.
We did the show and it was great. The guys were so fucking shit faced it was crazy. But fuck if I was going for a year to a war I would be booting some nice junk in my prick.
I was talk to one of the guys after the show and if fucking put some shit into prospective for me. He said that everyone hates us and we get fuck for doing what were doing. I said what do you mean? Well every one thinks were monster for doing what were doing. like we have a choice. If you’re looking at a pregnant women holding a grenade what do you do. Take a bunch of hot metal in your back maybe loose a leg, or kill her. I say kill her and aim for the baby. If you are giving anyone who is in our military shit for doing there job you should have your clit cut off or have one of your hands cut off. Or maybe behead you like those animals do to people who go against there government. Whether you are against the war or not you should treat the men and women fighting it with the utmost respect. Because if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be America we would be taken over by maybe Germany, Japan, Russia and the list goes on. You would be able to have your right to be a fucking asshole. If you ever meet anyone in are armed forces you should thank them, buy them a beer give them a hug or a blow job something. The only reason some of these guys want to go over to Iraq because they get more money if they do. This isn’t about being for the war or against it. It’s about treating the mother fuckers who go over with the respect they deserve. Fuck you and your thoughts on Bush and the war. Treat them like kings, cuase they are just doing what they are told to do. And with out them we would just be another Canada. And who wants that.

Steve and his brother. Asians really do look alike.

Steves Mom and Dad. All the boys gave him that award for putting this all together. They are two of the coolest parents I have ever met.

How cool is Steves Mom. Doing funnels with the boys. You like You like
1 comment:
Yeah, Rob, you make a point..
I DO respect anyone who is risking their lives to fight this war, which is techincally over..
But I was up early on a Sunday for the first time in years and watched that Stephanopolous show and he had a Memoriam for people who died that week. When they listed the soldiers names that died, they were all 21, 23, 26..it made me sad as hell that all these young people are dying for the corrupt choices of a leader who never had to see that shit. And WOMEN are dying right along with men there and we have never seen that in this country before now..
I think if we got the hell out of there, let them elect who they want and duke it out if need be, and back off from supporting Israel, things for us would be simpler..
and hey, at least Canada has health care that covers ALL Canadians..
And military some guys are really cute...a drink and a blowjob would be me doing my patriotic duty.
P.S. What should we call Steve..a Korirish or Irishean..how 'bout MICKOREAN?
I kid, of course..
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