I just went to vegas last week. The show is beacher madhouse at the hard rock casino. It was me and norton. Norton in vegas is just like Norton in New York. Thats why I love him. He had on his over sized black tshirt to hide is over wieght allien body. And he was just a dirty ball. staring at womens asses like a fresh born cerial killer. we Had a great time. The show isnt really about comedy as it is madhouse. There are alot of things that go one before the comics and after the comics. Like a dance off. Karaoke competion, and then a sexy 7 foot tranny jugles some knifes and gets a standing O. And then your boys came out to tell some yuk yuks. Its not fun but it is worth it. The owner of the hard Rock Harry Morton and Jeff beacher really take care you me and all the other comics that go there. Not only money wise but they go out of there way to make you feel important. Jeff beacher is amazing He could sell pussy to Fags, He could take a cup of piss and tell you is was lemonaid. Or atlest thats what norton said happen. This show really is the best hell gig on the planet. I met Ice tea who was cool the first time I went up to him but then kinda got annoyed when I asked for a picture. Dont worry norton Im not going to put famouse people I have met in my act. Not yet atleast. I also met Chuck Zito, this guy is probabley one of the toughest humans I have ever met. He is the guy who knocked out Van Dam sittine down. It was funny Norton chuck and me had a late dinner and he told us all his storys like the Van Dam fight. Then when we were finally going to bed this drunk whore who norton was trying to talk to saw my chuck zito book. Yes I ran and bought it to get it sign. We are fans to ya know. I cant wait till chuck gets a blogger. Anywho. this bitch was trying to tell me and norton how chuck zito knocked out Van Dam across the street in vegas at some strip club. When chuck himself just got done telling us it was in New York at Scores. But you know norton he kept egging her on saying ya I heard that to but bob thinks it happen in New York. And she would keep yelling at me No No NO it happen right here. Not only does she suck dick for a living she is a dumb cunt to. Dam her farther had retared sperm and her mothers egg holes in it. This trip was a great time and Im glad I got to do it with little jimmy. Im going back this week again with steve byrn. It should be good. I'm just hopping I dont get booed off stage. Cause then this little fantacy land in the dersert will be gone.

Joey Silvera Yoshi and Joey�s girl. Yoshi works in the porn biz and is also a very funny stand up comic. He is one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Joey and his girl were great. I felt more nervous meeting a porn legend than when I met Billy Joel.

Ice Tea and me. I was going to do the red eye thingy. But I thought it looked appropriate for him to have devil eyes. I think he is pointing at my neck fat. look at the skinny girl fingers.

Chuck Zito and me. Again look at his man hands and then look at my thin Asian girl fingers. I couldn't open a jar of pickles

Harry Morton, Jeff Beacher and Me.Two of the greatest guys on the planet. Harry ownes the Hard Rock and Beach runs the Madhouse.
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